Saturday, November 29, 2008


Mandi tagged me so here it is:
1. Go to your pictures
2. Go to the 4th file & upload the 4th picture
3. Post & tell about the picture
4. Tag 4 friends
Carson & Great Grandpa Udy's Birthday Party in 2005.
Carson & Grandpa Udy's Birthday's are one day apart. May 2nd and May 3rd. I remember when I was expecting Carson and Grandpa was hopeful that I would have him on his Birthday. We were at Grandpa's Birthday Party the night before and I knew I was getting started the next day. At the party I started having labor pains and Grandpa was hoping that I still might have him before midnight, but I still had to get started the next day. I am so blessed two have these to special people in my life. They both know how to make me feel special. My Grandpa used to make me feel like a princess when I was a little girl and Carson always lets me know that I am loved. He always says "I love you so much, Mom!"
I tag Angie N. , Janiece, Sari and Sandy Jo


Jamie Kent said...

That is so cute!

Chris and Cali said...

Your grandpa udy is the best. Kenlyn will always love him and the way him and your grandma treated her as their own. We love your whole family and how sweet they are! Love ya!

About Us said...

Good job Gina!! Thanks for doing it:) I sure do love ya!! I sure do love gp. & Carsy the are both very special people:)

Our Newman 6 said...

You are such a sweetie! They are two special people in your life for sure. Carson share a b-day with my Shelby. I remember when he was born, also when he broke his leg and I came to see him and we sat on your bed and comforted him and we played and read stories what a SWEETIE. I also remember going to your grandpa's and he was so sweet always hugging you and wanting to hug me what a sweetheart. You are so lucky to have him apart of you and your kids lives, my grandpa's are all gone and I miss them so much. Thanks for taking me back to those days, GOOD MEMORIES! Love ya Beck!