Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I went shopping for the first time in my life with coupons, Thanks to Jacki, she introduced me to the grocery smarts program. I have really been sitting on the fence about this because it just seemed like a lot of work and time, which I don't have. Jacki called me last week and said that their was an awesome sale at Albertson's in Logan and I should try my coupons out. She said Friday night they restock everything, so she went to check it out to make sure everything was stocked up for me before I made the trip over. Then on Friday night at 9:30 pm Carson and I started over to Logan to meet Jacki so she could help us figure this thing out. It is a little complicated and since she had done it before she was the pro. Anyway I spent only $77.83 and saved $275.66 that is a savings of 75% which means out the 95 items I purchased i spent about 72 cents per item. I even got 10 bottles of All Laundry detergent. Now that is a huge savings! I will probably do it again but only if their is a good sale like this one.


j.evans photography said...

Way to go Gina!! I have been waiting for the post! Thanks for the credit! Don't you think it gives you a bit of a rush like uncle Jeff said to save that much money? Next time I think we should have all the coupons cut out before we go!

Our Newman 6 said...

WOW! you two are Rockin Shoppers! I want to go with Jacki she is a pro. Good Job Becki I can't believe all the stuff you got. I seen Jacki's blog she is amazing WHAT A RUSH!

About Us said...

Good job Gina! I wish I had more time to do this, cause I'd love to save all that $$$.

Michelle said...

I hope your ok that I found your blog. Your family is so cute.
I wish I could save that kind of money.

Angie said...

Wow! What a shopper! We need an Albertson's a little closer don't we?

Jeff, Jack & Sadie said...

Great Job, you will learn to get addicted to it. I am so happy you Utah folks got a coupon program I am here in AZ and got hooked on coupons a year ago. Its so worth it in the end. I always have to call mom and molly and say guess how mcuh I got all my stuff for. Wait till you save 100% you'll just pee your pants. :)I can't wait for you to get the Walgreens open in Logan. Its a good store for couponing. Well hope you are well, found your blog surging. Tell all your family hi from us.

Sadie B "Munns"
we are at