Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This was the best birthday that I have ever had!! My boys planned a surprise party for me, with a little help from Grandma Lynn. They had been planning this for a month, making lists and calling people and gathering up their money. They pulled all of their money together and bought party hats and crepe paper. They were so excited that they could hardly stand it. I kind of new what was going on by the things that they would say, but I just pretended that I had no idea. It was so much fun and they were so sweet! Branson was cutting the confetti by hand and my Mom said "What are you doing?" He said "Cutting confetti". My Mom told him to just use the shredder and he said "Good idea Grandma!" Then they had brought our heavy duty stapler so that they could staple up the streamers. My Mom nearly fainted when she found out, she caught them before they did and had them use tape instead. My boys are the BEST!!


j.evans photography said...

It really was the best party ever! I thought it was so cute how they wanted to plan a party for their mom!

JasonandBritt said...

How cute! That's neat what your boys did for you, they really love their mom! I'm glad you had a happy b-day!

Walter and Lynsi Hohmann said...

How fun!! Grandma Lynn told me all about this & it sounded awesome! How sweet of your little boys. I'm glad you had a fun day! Happy Birthday!